What we do:

Property Management

Jeflis Property Management specializes in the management of it's Tampa real estate portfolio. Our primary objective is to handle various aspects of property maintenance, and tenant relations to ensure the property operates smoothly, efficiently and provides a pleasant working environment for the tenant.

Tenant Screening and Leasing: Property managers are responsible for finding and screening potential tenants. They advertise vacancies, conduct background checks, verify references, and manage lease agreements. We aim to secure reliable and responsible tenants which will be good neighbors for existing tenants.

Property Maintenance: Maintenance is a crucial aspect of Jeflis Property Management. Property managers oversee routine maintenance, repairs, and renovations. We have a network of contractors and service providers to address issues promptly.

Property Inspections: Regular property inspections are conducted to assess the condition of the property and identify any necessary repairs or improvements.

Legal Compliance: Jeflis Property Management is well-versed in local housing laws, building codes, and landlord-tenant regulations. We ensure that the property remains compliant with these regulations.

Tenant Relations: Jeflis Property Management personal are readily available to address tenant concerns, handle maintenance requests, and resolve issues and problems.

Property Improvement Recommendations: Property managers may recommend property improvements or upgrades to enhance its value and appeal to existing and potential tenants.

© Copyright 2023 Jeflis Property Management Company- Phone: (813) 293-2677 | Fax: (813) 935-5543